torsdag 11. mars 2010

I am You and You are me

We are on the journey to awakening

and even pain transforms into beauty...

In the crystalline light of new clarity arising

and love overwhelming every corner of shadows

We are unique and great and multifaceted

Not below or above, but in nowness

in the shining presence of ageless wisdom...

We may become who we really are-

the light of soul in total void of  darkness...

The sense of sweet aliveness of the beings of divine

The dance of life of non-duality with notes from polarity

The love of Self and will for truth being the Universal forces

on the road to timeless unity

and in this greater awareness

our souls embrace and we do get liberated

into the material of all and nothingness...

Only a heartbeat away and eons of presences behind

We created our uniqueness of our beingness...

I am in awe for our embodiment in the magnificient lightness

I am. You and You are Me ...
Fatalia 2008'

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