torsdag 11. mars 2010

Into the light flying like a bird without good-bye

I want to share a story that touched my heart...I have worked for 5 years as voluntary samaritarian, and I can meet the darkness with presence, but that one made me think differently.

We do have a society for suicide survivals- aka familes etc. I was at a lecture there with a really nice doctor who is a busy anesthesiologist and he talked about dying. I saw several cases and learned how to meet death, and how they did it in their cancer hospital. He was such an inspiring lecturer. He said that he has never smiled so much as on the death bed. And the nicest way to do it is to do it with dignity. He also told how many people have no relatives who ever see them, and how he has had both cats and dogs from shelter in the hospital as their last wish to not be alone.

But it was on the "prevention of suicide awarenes day" annual forum, so I really was wondering why we were talking about death-help here. And surely half of the audience are not interested in the pain relief methods. Many have probably very hateful relationship to pills, and hospitals, those who lost their loved ones to OD's or bad psychiatric care.

And then suddenly he puts a slide of a young woman on the light-board. It was his daughter. Then he said, she is the reason I am here. I just wanted to tell first that death is not scary. What is scary is never to be able to say good bye.

And he told how he felt when his daughter jumped off the mountain in Bergen and her body was found 2 days later. He also said that he felt that his family was judged by professionals, but out of his 4 children only she was depressed. How he had the last wake to her etc. It was so touching and pure. He also played on his harmonics to tribute for her.

But I do understand that his message really was to actually understand that our children also have their choices. We can't blame on parents or society. She did not want to live when 23 and nothing or noone could have stopped her. And the one's who are left afterwords have it hardest, because they feel that they had failed somehow. And he told that he will always love her and remember exactly like that - smiling on the picture. That she had a strong will and spirit. And the went into the light flying like a bird...


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